I’m on vacation in Cabo San Lucas, but that doesn’t mean that exercise needs to stop. Here’s a quick, effective workout I did using nothing more than three resistance bands. Hotel Resistance Band Workout Perform each exercise in the circuit for 60 seconds and rest for 15 seconds. Complete 2-4 rounds resting two minutes between...Read More
We are in the middle of a relentless war. We have become desensitized and complacent. The enemy has crept into every facet of our society, destroying countless lives. There are many forces allied against us, all aimed at keeping us fat, tired, in pain and sedentary. We can choose to either lay down our arms...Read More
This dynamic stretch is a favorite of mine and one of the best I know. It targets many common trouble areas such as the hamstrings, hips, calves, lats and thoracic spine. Try it in your warmup after foam rolling and perform eight repetitions on each side. Pay attention to your form and do not rush through...Read More
As fitness professionals it seems like we are always battling the dreaded “Sitting Disease.” This is a cascade of changes that the body goes through when it spends too much time in a seated position. Specifically, the lower body can adopt a “lower cross” posture. This is a chronic excessive arch of the low back...Read More
The other day I was struggling to fall asleep because I was pondering the sad fact that people don’t know how to use their hips. Ah, the life of a fitness nerd. When your mission is to keep people strong and healthy, you realize that effective use of the hips is central to many of...Read More
Our members get an ear full from us on the virtues of the gluteal muscles. They are powerful extensors of the hips, stabilize and protect our low backs, and look darn good in a nice fitting pair of shorts. What’s not to love? With today’s workforce spending excessive time seated, these muscles become lazy and...Read More
If you’ve heard the word Kaizen before, chances are you are a student of business, or at least business literature. Kaizen is a Japanese word that means “continuous improvement,” and it has been often cited as the key to Japan’s competitive success in the decades after World War II. The principles of Kaizen call for operations...Read More
“Hello, my name is Brad and I am a food addict.” All kidding aside, that headline is the truth. My truth. And I want to tell you why I think it’s important to share my truth with others who are working to become more fit and healthy. Some Are Born to Fitness, Others Work Their...Read More
Having a bad day? A bad week? We all do. I get it. But let me remind you of something we’ve discussed before: exercise is a great way to improve your health AND your mood. At the Bodysmith we always say “Just get in our door and we’ll make sure you get a great workout.”...Read More
What are your habits? You may immediately think of some negative habits. Things no one is proud of or are downright rude. Like, biting fingernails, cutting people off mid-sentence, or checking our phones ad nauseam? The thing is, I bet that you have some pretty great habits as well. Like, kissing your significant other when you...Read More
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