
Brad Dienstbier
Have you ever had an injury or condition that prevents you from doing the things you enjoy? Maybe you like running, but you’ve got bad knees or plantar fasciitis that keeps you on the couch. Or let’s say golf is your passion, but your back prevents you from playing at the level you once enjoyed?...
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Food can be a pleasurable experience. In fact, I think it’s ok to eat with this in mind about 10% of the time. You will still see results if you ate those nachos Saturday night during the game. The critical thing to remember is to get back on track with your very next snack or...
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I wanted to take a moment and speak to you about something really important. Your habits. Habits are our behavioral autopilot. They shape much of our lives, both good and bad. Bad habits might be cutting people off mid-sentence, texting while driving or biting your fingernails. Good habits include brushing your teeth before bed, putting...
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“Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general.” – Mark Rippetoe, strength coach and author Amen! This quote completely sums up my feelings on strength training (and it’s a guilty pleasure movie starring Steven Segal) But I’ve got to tell you I get a little frustrated. You see, after...
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I already wrote about the importance of an exercise program in achieving your goals but if you really want to make changes in your body, you can’t forget about nutrition. At the Bodysmith, we believe that nutrition is the most important component in body transformation whether your goal is fat loss or muscle gain. Truth...
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I’m going to say something that may shock you. An effective exercise program is not always fun. What?!? I know this sounds strange coming from a person whose entire day revolves around exercise, but let me explain. Most people who come to us have a specific goal in mind that they want our help to...
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This week, let’s take a little trip. Destination? Your goals. So, what’s the best way to reach your goals? The safest? The most efficient? That’s where your Bodysmith team comes in. Think of us as your fitness travel agent. You come to us with a destination in mind and we will map your journey by...
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I’m on vacation in Cabo San Lucas, but that doesn’t mean that exercise needs to stop. Here’s a quick, effective workout I did using nothing more than three resistance bands. Hotel Resistance Band Workout Perform each exercise in the circuit for 60 seconds and rest for 15 seconds. Complete 2-4 rounds resting two minutes between...
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We are in the middle of a relentless war. We have become desensitized and complacent. The enemy has crept into every facet of our society, destroying countless lives. There are many forces allied against us, all aimed at keeping us fat, tired, in pain and sedentary. We can choose to either lay down our arms...
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This dynamic stretch is a favorite of mine and one of the best I know. It targets many common trouble areas such as the hamstrings, hips, calves, lats and thoracic spine. Try it in your warmup after foam rolling and perform eight repetitions on each side. Pay attention to your form and do not rush through...
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