
Last week I discussed the vast diversity in fitness needs and goals of our members at the Bodysmith, and I talked about some of the different systems we use to help them become their best. The important thing to remember is that our systems have diverse solutions built into their design, so there’s no “fast...
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Expect the unexpected has become a daily mantra for us at the Bodysmith. There’s the challenge of running a business, of course, but our members keep us on our toes, too. (Always in a good way). See, we all know that everyone is unique and no two people are the same. But, when you look...
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The other day I met with a potential member who wanted to explore what the Bodysmith was all about. Since I love the opportunity to share what we hold as important at the Bodysmith—community, support, hard work, results—I couldn’t wait to get started. We call these meetings with potential members “Strategy Sessions” because they are...
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This may be difficult to believe, but even though I own a gym it’s hard for me to find time to workout. So when someone tells me it’s tough for them to find time to work out, I can sympathize…really! You see, most days if I’m at the gym I work twelve or fifteen-hour days....
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I’m on vacation with some friends and having a great time. Even though I’m supposed to be taking a break, I had a quick thought I wanted to share as I drink my second cup of the day. Okay, it’s more of a question I wanted to ask you: do you ever feel like quitting?...
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