Alright, this is it. I’m going to answer this age old question once and for all. I’m here to cut through the pseudo-scienc, debunk the myths and give it to you straight. Are you ready? Here it is: the best time of day to workout is … it depends. Sorry. Not Sorry. I’ll apologize a...Read More
Don’t take this the wrong way, but exactly what do you think you’re doing? Alright, now that I have your attention, let me rephrase a bit…. What are you trying to accomplish in the area of fitness? This absolutely has to be the first task in any fitness plan. You must establish your goal concretely...Read More
Fun fact: I’m not just a super-cool fitness professional. I have degrees in both religion and philosophy. You might ask “why does this super-cool fitness professional have a degree in religion?” Simple really, I love to learn what makes us, as people, tick. Why are we here? Is there anything else to our existence? Why...Read More
For more than 35 years I’ve moved heavy, iron things around just for fun. Well, sometimes it was work, but mostly it was for fun. Does that make me crazy? Maybe a little. But it’s also given me a good perspective on how to get the most out of the time I spend in a...Read More
I am often asked, “Why is exercise the last Foundation you talk about?” The answer is simple yet, in my experience, accurate. We should spend the least amount of time on exercise because it has the least impact on results and is the easiest part of the puzzle. I can almost hear people’s heads exploding...Read More
Have you ever had an injury or condition that prevents you from doing the things you enjoy? Maybe you like running, but you’ve got bad knees or plantar fasciitis that keeps you on the couch. Or let’s say golf is your passion, but your back prevents you from playing at the level you once enjoyed?...Read More
“Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general.” – Mark Rippetoe, strength coach and author Amen! This quote completely sums up my feelings on strength training (and it’s a guilty pleasure movie starring Steven Segal) But I’ve got to tell you I get a little frustrated. You see, after...Read More
I’m going to say something that may shock you. An effective exercise program is not always fun. What?!? I know this sounds strange coming from a person whose entire day revolves around exercise, but let me explain. Most people who come to us have a specific goal in mind that they want our help to...Read More
I’m on vacation in Cabo San Lucas, but that doesn’t mean that exercise needs to stop. Here’s a quick, effective workout I did using nothing more than three resistance bands. Hotel Resistance Band Workout Perform each exercise in the circuit for 60 seconds and rest for 15 seconds. Complete 2-4 rounds resting two minutes between...Read More
The other day I was struggling to fall asleep because I was pondering the sad fact that people don’t know how to use their hips. Ah, the life of a fitness nerd. When your mission is to keep people strong and healthy, you realize that effective use of the hips is central to many of...Read More
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