If you remember, last week I said over the next three Thursdays I was going to outline my 3 Foundations of Health and Fitness. Today I am going to begin by discussing the most important of all the foundations, nutrition. Nutrition is the cornerstone of body transformation and health. If you are not at your goals, then...Read More
Welcome to part one of a four-part series! Okay maybe it’s not that exciting, but I’m always jazzed to talk health and fitness. I’m such a nerd that if you buy me a beer, I will talk about it all night. 🙂 To be clear, I won’t take offense if you never take me up...Read More
Nutrition can be very complicated, especially if you have tried to follow “diets” in the past. Oh and how the fitness industry loves making things complicated. From over restrictive, take-all-of-the-fun-out-of-life plans to completely vilifying a whole food group, it seems like someone is always trying to sell you on “their plan.” Now carbohydrates are bad....Read More
Food can be a pleasurable experience. In fact, I think it’s ok to eat with this in mind about 10% of the time. You will still see results if you ate those nachos Saturday night during the game. The critical thing to remember is to get back on track with your very next snack or...Read More
I wanted to take a moment and speak to you about something really important. Your habits. Habits are our behavioral autopilot. They shape much of our lives, both good and bad. Bad habits might be cutting people off mid-sentence, texting while driving or biting your fingernails. Good habits include brushing your teeth before bed, putting...Read More
I already wrote about the importance of an exercise program in achieving your goals but if you really want to make changes in your body, you can’t forget about nutrition. At the Bodysmith, we believe that nutrition is the most important component in body transformation whether your goal is fat loss or muscle gain. Truth...Read More
If you’ve heard the word Kaizen before, chances are you are a student of business, or at least business literature. Kaizen is a Japanese word that means “continuous improvement,” and it has been often cited as the key to Japan’s competitive success in the decades after World War II. The principles of Kaizen call for operations...Read More
“Hello, my name is Brad and I am a food addict.” All kidding aside, that headline is the truth. My truth. And I want to tell you why I think it’s important to share my truth with others who are working to become more fit and healthy. Some Are Born to Fitness, Others Work Their...Read More
Having a bad day? A bad week? We all do. I get it. But let me remind you of something we’ve discussed before: exercise is a great way to improve your health AND your mood. At the Bodysmith we always say “Just get in our door and we’ll make sure you get a great workout.”...Read More
What are your habits? You may immediately think of some negative habits. Things no one is proud of or are downright rude. Like, biting fingernails, cutting people off mid-sentence, or checking our phones ad nauseam? The thing is, I bet that you have some pretty great habits as well. Like, kissing your significant other when you...Read More
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