If our attention spans are short (and they are), and we have frustrations over the current state of our bodies and health (many of us do), we can be susceptible to those who preach absolutes or an “easy way out.” And since we hear thousands of pieces of advice from the internet, TV, etc. over...Read More
We have all heard the saying, “Slow and steady wins the race.” This wise advice is the approach we love to take with our clients at the Bodysmith. You see, helping our members achieve their goals is often about changing habits. Habits got each of us where we are. Changing habits will get each of...Read More
I talk to a lot of people who want to lose weight. And lose weight FAST! But when we are talking about reversing a condition like excessive weight gain that took many years to achieve, I have found that slow and steady will always win the race. Meet Gloria One of my clients—let’s call her...Read More
I already wrote about the importance of an exercise program in achieving your goals but if you really want to make changes in your body, you can’t forget about nutrition. At the Bodysmith, we believe that nutrition is the most important component in body transformation whether your goal is fat loss or muscle gain. Truth...Read More
I’m going to say something that may shock you. An effective exercise program is not always fun. What?!? I know this sounds strange coming from a person whose entire day revolves around exercise, but let me explain. Most people who come to us have a specific goal in mind that they want our help to...Read More
What are your habits? You may immediately think of some negative habits. Things no one is proud of or are downright rude. Like, biting fingernails, cutting people off mid-sentence, or checking our phones ad nauseam? The thing is, I bet that you have some pretty great habits as well. Like, kissing your significant other when you...Read More
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