
I’m sure you’ve already read Part 1 of My Secret Workout Formula. So now, let’s get back it at and talk about why my “Big 4” workout works, and what you can do to get the most out of it. All Together Now! The significant difference when focusing on the “Big 4” is that you...
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As a musician and member of the rhythm section, I need to know something about tempo. But today I want to talk to you about how tempo can be used to get the most out of your workouts. In fact, one of the critical factors affecting the success of your efforts will be the tempo...
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Alright, this is it. I’m going to answer this age old question once and for all. I’m here to cut through the pseudo-scienc, debunk the myths and give it to you straight. Are you ready? Here it is: the best time of day to workout is … it depends. Sorry. Not Sorry. I’ll apologize a...
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I talk to a lot of people who want to lose weight. And lose weight FAST! But when we are talking about reversing a condition like excessive weight gain that took many years to achieve, I have found that slow and steady will always win the race. Meet Gloria One of my clients—let’s call her...
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“Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general.” – Mark Rippetoe, strength coach and author Amen! This quote completely sums up my feelings on strength training (and it’s a guilty pleasure movie starring Steven Segal) But I’ve got to tell you I get a little frustrated. You see, after...
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I’m going to say something that may shock you. An effective exercise program is not always fun. What?!? I know this sounds strange coming from a person whose entire day revolves around exercise, but let me explain. Most people who come to us have a specific goal in mind that they want our help to...
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I’m on vacation in Cabo San Lucas, but that doesn’t mean that exercise needs to stop. Here’s a quick, effective workout I did using nothing more than three resistance bands. Hotel Resistance Band Workout Perform each exercise in the circuit for 60 seconds and rest for 15 seconds. Complete 2-4 rounds resting two minutes between...
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