Today we’re going to talk about the single most powerful word you will ever learn. And I’m not kidding. It can prove to be a life-changing word when we learn when and how to use it. So here it is, the most powerful word in the English language. “No.” Don’t stop reading, there’s more to...Read More
I am often asked, “Why is exercise the last Foundation you talk about?” The answer is simple yet, in my experience, accurate. We should spend the least amount of time on exercise because it has the least impact on results and is the easiest part of the puzzle. I can almost hear people’s heads exploding...Read More
Have you ever heard the term, “overtraining?” In the fitness world, it means exercising too much, getting injured, fatigued and burned out. In short, moving backward rather than toward your goals. This situation is real, but I prefer to think of it as “under recovered” instead. Recovery is the Bodysmith’s second Foundation of Health, and unfortunately,...Read More
If you remember, last week I said over the next three Thursdays I was going to outline my 3 Foundations of Health and Fitness. Today I am going to begin by discussing the most important of all the foundations, nutrition. Nutrition is the cornerstone of body transformation and health. If you are not at your goals, then...Read More
I love this quote and wanted to share it with you. Besides, who can’t use a little extra push on a Monday morning 🙂 “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” – Steven Covey What a powerful reminder that WE are in control of much more than...Read More
Welcome to part one of a four-part series! Okay maybe it’s not that exciting, but I’m always jazzed to talk health and fitness. I’m such a nerd that if you buy me a beer, I will talk about it all night. 🙂 To be clear, I won’t take offense if you never take me up...Read More
Have you ever had an injury or condition that prevents you from doing the things you enjoy? Maybe you like running, but you’ve got bad knees or plantar fasciitis that keeps you on the couch. Or let’s say golf is your passion, but your back prevents you from playing at the level you once enjoyed?...Read More
We are in the middle of a relentless war. We have become desensitized and complacent. The enemy has crept into every facet of our society, destroying countless lives. There are many forces allied against us, all aimed at keeping us fat, tired, in pain and sedentary. We can choose to either lay down our arms...Read More
If you’ve heard the word Kaizen before, chances are you are a student of business, or at least business literature. Kaizen is a Japanese word that means “continuous improvement,” and it has been often cited as the key to Japan’s competitive success in the decades after World War II. The principles of Kaizen call for operations...Read More
“Hello, my name is Brad and I am a food addict.” All kidding aside, that headline is the truth. My truth. And I want to tell you why I think it’s important to share my truth with others who are working to become more fit and healthy. Some Are Born to Fitness, Others Work Their...Read More
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