
The other day I met with a potential member who wanted to explore what the Bodysmith was all about. Since I love the opportunity to share what we hold as important at the Bodysmith—community, support, hard work, results—I couldn’t wait to get started. We call these meetings with potential members “Strategy Sessions” because they are...
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The other day I was at the coffee shop drive-thru window picking up my regular, delicious, iced Americano and the young lady asked how I was doing. “I’m great,” I replied and asked her the same question. Her response: “I can’t complain.” That got me thinking. Can’t we all complain? There must be something in...
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I love this quote and wanted to share it with you. Besides, who can’t use a little extra push on a Monday morning 🙂 “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” – Steven Covey What a powerful reminder that WE are in control of much more than...
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If you’ve heard the word Kaizen before, chances are you are a student of business, or at least business literature. Kaizen is a Japanese word that means “continuous improvement,” and it has been often cited as the key to Japan’s competitive success in the decades after World War II. The principles of Kaizen call for operations...
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