
A few weeks ago, I was discussing healthy eating, and someone said it was impossible unless you are rich. The individual mentioned a conspiracy between pharmaceutical companies, doctors, and our industrialized food supply. I won’t disagree by saying he isn’t speaking some truth. My brain was spinning, and I had a dozen ideas on how...
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I’ve long held the belief that advertisers and food producers routinely mislead the public. Take a look around next time you are out shopping. You’ll see aisles marked gluten-free and paleo, or an entire “health market” nestled inside your grocery store. Just consider that in 2015 Americans spent an estimated $11.6 billion on gluten-free foods...
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We have all heard the saying, “Slow and steady wins the race.” This wise advice is the approach we love to take with our clients at the Bodysmith. You see, helping our members achieve their goals is often about changing habits. Habits got each of us where we are. Changing habits will get each of...
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I talk to a lot of people who want to lose weight. And lose weight FAST! But when we are talking about reversing a condition like excessive weight gain that took many years to achieve, I have found that slow and steady will always win the race. Meet Gloria One of my clients—let’s call her...
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People always ask me what they should eat. That’s a loaded question that can get complicated based on a person’s goals, biochemistry, allergies, intolerances, and personal tastes. But, for many of us, I have one helpful tip to remember when it comes time to answer that age-old question “What’s for dinner?” Ready? Here it is…...
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